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just played the updated version, conrats on the perf gain, it run quite smoothly ^^! the part past the pipe is a bit buggy (you can fall between the wall and the ground, and the part past the stairs seem to be missing) but whatever, its great, thanks for the update :D

oh also, i need your secret for concrete textures lol

thank you!
oh, you're right! I didn't notice this gap between wall and floor, thanks for letting me know!^^
haha, yeah, I didn't have enough time again to make sth cooler for the last part :') Btw, did you find the glowing white door there? (You might need to scan around after you fall from stairs)
maybe I'll be able to do sth more polished in the future lol

majority of the textures (and 3D assets) are from, very cool site! I think I also got some textures from

thanks for playing!!


ooh thanks for the links :) yeah i found the door (and the jumscare x) ), was cool :)