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All of ideas (most from wicked P):

1. add a melee class for the plants 

2. add plant food

3. add zombie maker

4. add level maker

5. add world maker

6. add game maker for making fan games 

7. add more heads 

8. add mushrooms heads + mushrooms to stems 

9. and effects like fire frozen electric or other effects that you can come up with

10. make some new class that acts lake lighting reed or electric blue berry 

11. add hands for the melee class 

12. add objects to the head of the plant and leaves and eye brows 

13. update

14. extract your worlds, levels, plants and etc to a exe

15. Drawable Sprites

16. ''Code'' maker (exemple, choose chance for exemple, Kernel Pult to shoot butter)

17.Plant classes and mints