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(3 edits) (+46)

For how slow the beginning of the game feels, especially with the lack of a skip or fast forward button, the endings are rather rushed. The topics aren't well handled at all, the writing is messy... honestly, after Error143 I was expecting a much better experience. Such a shame.

The voice acting and beautiful art are the only positives about the entire thing.

I see the vision. I see the point the story is trying to get across. The metaphors are there and pretty obvious. But when the topics are this sensitive,It's really important to handle them well, and not make them feel like they're just there for shock value. 

Not to mention the "You'll get a good ending only if you promote the game" thing. Really? If the story you're trying to tell wasn't even meant to have a happy ending, if the whole point is to showcase how the bad side of an industry can affect a person, dangling this idea of saving the character, a character you made extremely likeable on purpose, in front of the audience's face... it feels cheap and exploitative. 

Overall, a pretty damn good idea executed very poorly.