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(1 edit) (+46)

Spoiler warning!! I do not recommend playing this game, however if you wish to I don't want to spoil it for you! 

I feel like the endings were rushed and made out to be as "oooOoO spooky so scary" and not actual things that can actually happen. I've lost several people in my life to these game endings, and i feel like the process wasn't realistic and was leaning towards the insensitive side. It was happy and then all of the sudden it wasn't. I saw the warnings. I didn't expect such a sharp turn for the worst. So I'm gonna break it down. To start, people immediately assuming the worse (such as "You hate people with cancer") feels greatly unrealistic. I know its a game, and that people often draw conclusions like this, it just doesn't feel like anyone would draw that conclusion, especially if someone says something that sounds like it was stolen from a six year old reddit post. Second, I would like to remind you all, THERE ARE ALWAYS SIGNS. ALWAYS. Never has there not been signs in being homicidal or suicidal. Never. So Zilas suddenly taking these turns feels like a mockery or a rushed "horror ending". Its not funny and its not something that couldn't happen. Zilas had the user as a love interest to turn to and depend on. He communicated well. He had a cat he cared for. He wouldn't have just done these things on a whim. These endings genuinely made me shake in anger and disgust. Shame on the writer for this. If you're going to do an ending like this, research it. Research the signs. And be respectful when handling it in game. Something I saw others discuss is the lack of warning. Yes, there was warnings but they were hidden and if you're someone who plays without reading the bio, then you would've been greatly caught off guard. Not just because there is 0 warnings in game, but because the way they happened was unrealistic and unexpected. These things have a "I should've known all along feeling" rather than a "When was this happening????" feeling, because again THERE ARE ALWAYS SIGNS. THERE NEVER WON'T BE SIGNS. I won't just happen in two days. This shit takes MONTHS to happen. And as someone who feels guilt for not noticing this in others, THERE ARE NONE HERE. LIKE ZERO. Also leaving your partner without contact for three days after something happens to them feels like a dick move and the user is framed as the one to blame, because they didn't do anything. Honestly this game just feels like a nightmare. Its unrealistic and disgusting. I do not recommend taking this lightly, and I hope this is edited, or fixed, or just deleted.
Overall, just don't play this game. Don't get attached to something that is unrealistic and depressing. I hope the writer realizes these mistakes and never again treats such heavy topics so unrealistically and utilizes them as easy plot twists to make a quick buck. Thank you for reading my comment <3

Also also, some people are saying that "there were obvious signs", well, when I was playing those "obvious signs" to me just made me feel like he was excited to live life with the user, not that he was planning to end it. He even made plans to introduce the user. Plans for the future. Imo, he would try to do everything he wanted to do with the user before "ending it". Because people in this mindset tend to put people they love above anything else. and someone he loved made plans to stream with him, which he looked forward to. You could argue I'm looking at what I want to and ignoring what i don't like, but I feel like when he said things others view as signs, fit well into his personality and the conversation that was being held in the moment he said those things. Take from my review what you will, but I stand by the fact that it wasn't realistic and was overall Disrespectful.