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Not only is this game poorly written, it's down right insensitive and doesn't make any sort of reason to reach the ending. Other than the horribly written violence, the other thing I found insufferable was 'rizz' being used (if I were to guess) over 16 times. And even if you tell the Love interest to monitor the sexual comments literally nothing happens in game. what the fuck was the point of putting the choice there if it didn't do anything? Error 143's bad ending was abysmal already because the game is "punishing you" for have literally a perfect valid boundary. Now that's [boundaries] all of what this game really talks about but it's so surface level to the point it doesn't even effect the game. The twitter explanation is also full of excuses, The love interest knew MC before hitting his goal (and I assume because MC goes to his house, long before the idea of him even thinking about being a streamer.) So how in the world is that a representation of 'parasocial relationships' and stalking? How do you forget what happens in your own game??? Did I mention the begging for rating by guilt tripping the viewer? That is some clown behavior. 

The only thing really redeemable is the artists and the rest of the team besides the creator.