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for anyone having issues with Windows Defender deleting their game, here's a solution copy pasted from the Discord:

(also a reminder to please join the discord for tech support! don't comment here!)

It's come to our attention that anti-virus programs, most recently and commonly Windows Defender, have been quarantining files from the game for a lot of players, including the .exe file. This is likely because of changes within those programs and something we have no control over and can't stop from happening, unfortunately 

Instead we're going to tell you how you can get past this yourself if you are encountering this issue while using Windows Defender. Do note that this may not work for 3rd-party anti-virus programs. 

Please follow these steps! 

  1. Open Settings on your device and navigate to the tab called "Privacy and security".
  2. Go to "Virus & threat protection"
  3. Look for and go to "Protection History" under the Quick Scan button.
  4. You should see Clangen listed here, under "Affected items". It should say the location of your Clangen game folder and the file that disappeared (Don't act on it if you see a file that isn't inside your Clangen game folder). Click on the "Actions" button menu and choose "Restore".
  5. Go back to "Virus and threat protection" screen and from there, to "Manage settings".
  6. Under "Exclusions", go to "Add or remove exclusions"
  7. Choose from the "+ Add an Exclusion" dropdown to exclude a "Folder".
  8. Choose the game folder that your Clangen game resides in.

Finished! You should in most cases be able to play the game again.