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i've written this in a previous comment and in my review of the game, but i wanted to leave a proper thought out comment about this game.

i was quite disgusted with the way that this game is being handled (not by the other people who worked on this game, but the main dev jenny.) the way that the suicide scene was handled was honestly terrible.

i play a LOT of psychological horror games / vns with topics like this, and they ALL handle them better. there's actual build up, signs you can look for, proper warnings. this game didn't have any actual warnings within the game, no build up, it was all just so sudden. the suicide wasn't really added for plot relevance (especially considering you don't even find out the cat is 'the main villain') in this ending. there was genuinely NO NEED for this ending.

this ending feels like it was added for purely shock value, for her to use as a way to guilt the players into giving her more reviews, mocking the character they like. there was no reason for the character to kill themselves really, it was added for shock value.

the way jenny is handling it honestly disgusts me, especially as someone who has lost friends to suicide, and had several attempts before. her making stupid tweets about the character, making videos making fun of people who are distressed over it, previously ENCOURAGING people to make alts just so they can see their 'sweet boy get a happy ending' or whatever.

and to my knowledge she has supposedly done stuff like this before, and clearly not learnt her lesson.

in my opinion, the suicide ending shouldn't have been there at all. i haven't played to the actual homocide ending (i closed the game after the hanging ending) but i am aware that is the only one that gives any sort of backstory... but even then, there is NO build up to my knowledge about the backstory.

there should be warnings in the game, and jenny should stop wielding this game as some sort of weapon over peoples heads and laughing about it, when at the end of the day she's portrayed suicide as some sort of gimmick.

i don't want this to come across as me dissing the other members of the team who worked hard on this project, because this is directed towards jenny. i also don't want it to seem like i'm being oversensitive, because i have seen SEVERAL people expressing the same thoughts as me.

i'm not quite sure how well worded this is considering i'm exhausted, but i wanted to put my thoughts towards this game forwards. i'm not the type to leave comments on games (especially negative ones) but i think she really needs the criticism. or she could just ignore it, like i've heard she does.

tldr: the way she's handled certain topics in this game / in general is terrible, and i want her to do better.