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*I wanted to add screenshots to help with finding where the typos are but itch wont let me >:(

5th page after choosing 'how you died the first time' theres code errors involving Val's pronouns

When talking with Klaus about how he met Val, Val's pronouns default to they/them (Val is set to male in my game) in some of the sentences

If i select the third option ("Im just asking questions. Dont read into it.") it brings up an error 

Last page before end of what you currently have for chapt4 has floating code text $vTheyd

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smdh it's always the Val. Should be all fixed except the first one, I can't for the life of me figure out why that's not working. Those pronouns aren't referring to Val, though, so even when I figure it out it won't align with whatever gender you chose for Val

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*well found out how to post images smh

Is this not Val?

It's not Val :) 

But anyway, it works when I test from Twine but not when I load a save, so it's probably something to do with save states 🤷‍♀️