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i do not see his 'red flags'. All I see is 2 young adults strugling with feelings for each other which are deemed taboo by the sociatal constructs being handed down from one generation to the next. I do kinda see her as being more assertive in her approach to those feelings and him being more timid (which is refreshing to see in a VN because usually the MC is cocky SoB or at least becomes one). 

Basically I don't see any problems this VN offers except to people that had their minds crippled by society. 
I have friends in my circle that have had the courage to break through these boundaries. (not solely talking about inter-familiar concepts).

Now that that is out of the way, i would like to adres the dev for the game itself.
You, my good sir, have created what i would call part of a masterpiece. The story is built good, albeit very different. The characters have a decent backstory which is being explained during the story and epilogue.
The visuals are good.
The amount of content was lacking but that was to be expected from a game that has not been released that long.
All in all i give this VN a solid 8.5/10 already. 

And i'm very much looking forward to new content. 

Keep up the good work and i hope you will not let others dictate what's good or not. Because you have to remember that you cannot appease everyone with the same content. 

I know, thanks for the kind words! Look forward to 1.5 tomorrow ;P