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So um, I'm probably completely alone on this, but why is there a technical barrier for entry?

I understand that it's actually not complicated at all to install the patch, unlike some games out there that ask you to recompile the source code or whatever it is without even a single hint of what to use and how, and I'm probably the only person in the world that would nope out b/c of CPTSD from too many l33t haxx0rs haranguing me over pAtCh ToO t3cH1E 4Me when I just want to play instead of earning a computer science degree, but... just why?

Oh, I downloaded it, I just wanted to rant. But would it not have worked to  zip up the installation folder, patch included?

I am truly sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced. Do you have difficulty applying the patch to the base game? I may assist you with this.


Nah, i got it. It's simple enough. Thanks for listening. Although, do please consider pre-patching your future releases, since fresh installs want to be patched anyhow. I feel that separate patch files should be more for people who already have the game, so they don't have to redownload the whole thing.

I'm glad you did it. I will try spending some time to look back at the project and build a newer version, so no patches are needed and the installation would be easier. Thank you for your understanding. Hope you enjoy the game!

I have uploaded version 1.4, which is a plug-and-play one. No patches are required.