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In the project, adding a UI and UX feature for snails eating to robots on the beach is an important user experience design. And it can bring a good user experience in UI principles.

1. Clear UI elements: When designing the UI elements of the energy bar, they are easy to recognize and understand. Use bright colors to highlight the energy bar and make it stand out prominently in the city background.

2. Animation effect: When the robot eats a conch, an animation effect is added to enhance the user's sense of interaction and satisfaction.

3. Feedback mechanism: When the robot eats a conch, it can provide timely feedback and add the sound effect of eating an energy bar.

4. Scoring system: Using the consumption of conches as part of the scoring system to motivate users to participate more in the game. When the score is 6, it is perfect and has a great UI experience

5. Easy to understand rules: Clearly inform users of the purpose and rules of eating conches in the game, as well as the different effects of eating different types of energy bars. This can make it easier for users to understand the game mechanics and increase their engagement.

6. Customizability: Provides some setting options that allow users to adjust the display of energy bars according to their preferences, such as transparency, size, etc.