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Hi, what version of Godot are you using? Could you send me the complete error message?

Hi, thanks for answering, the godot version in 4.2.1 stable. The error is this one:

Hi, the error is caused by Godot when exporting the APK, the plugin has no influence. 

According to what I have read on Google, it may be due to the JDK used. In my case I use version "17.0.8 2023-07-18 LTS" and I don't have that problem.

If trying another JDK still doesn't work, let me know and we'll continue looking for a solution.

(1 edit)

It works! Thank you so much, I'm such an idiot, I was using JDK-1.8, maybe not the latest XD

I'm glad to hear that!! Thanks for your comment!

All in all, a great plugin, keep it up!