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I was just mindlessly searching on YouTube of ways to get BeamNG drive on mobile but I randomly came across this game and it had to download link to this website attached in description I was like sure why not I give it a try so I downloaded it and I was like it's probably going to be one of these low budget car crash games cuz I didn't actually watch the video that much it just started randomly downloading games so I downloaded this one and it's it's really good BeamNG drive quality is like BB&t drive that text demo the old BeamNG drive take demo it's even better than that old tech demo and honestly I don't even know what to say for this game this is revolutionary you might just think of this game of technology

Better than the old tech demo? Definitely no The cars slide too much, has a bad optimization, and The deformation is not that realistic compared to the tech demo 

And the overall physics are bad too and the engine sounds They are as bad as tech demo itself