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Name: Luna, Miraculous of the: Goddess of the moon, transformation and detransformation phrases: Luna, Moonlight’s Grace! and, (Luna,) Wane to Rest.  Holder's hero name: Lunar Mystique. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined. Powers: Moonbeam Projection (Ability to emit powerful beams of concentrated moonlight that can both illuminate darkness and act as a force beam), Lunar Flight (Harnessing the moon’s gravitational influence to levitate and fly), Tidal Manipulation (Control over water, allowing the hero to create waves or calm seas, reflecting the moon’s control over tides), Lunar Illusion (Creating illusions that play on the opponent’s senses, as mysterious as the moon’s own visage), Night Vision (Seeing clearly in the dark, just as the moon pierces through the night’s darkness), Healing Glow (A gentle, glowing touch that can heal minor wounds, inspired by the rejuvenating energy of moonlight), and Special Power [Crescent Crescendo] (A powerful move that can only be used once before needing to recharge, where the hero summons a massive crescent-shaped energy blade that can slice through obstacles or encircle and protect allies). Weapon: Lunar Staff (Deets: The Lunar Staff could be a versatile weapon that embodies the phases of the moon. It might feature a crescent moon-shaped blade on one end and a full moon orb on the other. The staff could have the following abilities: Crescent Edge: The crescent moon blade can be used for melee combat or to channel moonlight into a focused beam.

Orb of Tides: The full moon orb can absorb ambient moonlight to unleash a burst of energy or create protective barriers.

Phase Shift: The staff can shift forms, much like the moon’s phases, adapting to different combat situations). Miraculous Object: Cresent moon earrings. Kwami's favorite snack: Moonberry Macarons (Deets: These macarons could be a delightful treat, with a shimmering silver exterior and a creamy filling that glows faintly in the dark, reminiscent of moonlight. They would be not only delicious but also a charming nod to Luna’s lunar connection).