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Name: Diana, Miraculous of the: Goddess of hunting, transformation and detransformation phrases: Diana, Huntress's Spirit, Awaken! and, (Diana,) Rest the Bow. Holder's hero name: Artemis Arrow. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined. Powers: Hunter’s Intuition (The ability to sense the presence and movements of others, perfect for tracking and stealth), Artemis’ Aim (Unerring accuracy with any projectile, embodying the marksmanship of the goddess), Wilderness Whisper (Communication with and command over animals, tapping into the bond between the huntress and the natural world), Moonlit Camouflage (Blending into shadows or becoming nearly invisible under moonlight, ideal for surprise and evasion), and Celestial Agility (Enhanced agility and reflexes, allowing for swift and graceful movements). Weapon: Bow and arrows 🏹. Miraculous Object: Deer antler earrings. Kwami's favorite snack: Moonberry Delights (Deets: These could be magical berries that glow like the moon and provide a burst of energy, perfect for a kwami associated with the goddess of the hunt and the moon. They would be a unique and thematic treat for Diana!).