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Name: Apollo, Miraculous of the: God of Sun and music, transformation and detransformation phrases: Apollo, play the melody of the sun! and, (Apollo,) rest the strings of light.  Holder's hero name: Solharmonia. Holder's "civilian" name: undetermined. Powers: Solar Flare (The ability to unleash a powerful burst of sunlight, blinding opponents and powering up solar-based technologies), Melodic Shield (The power to create protective barriers made of musical vibrations that can deflect attacks), Harmony Heal (A healing ability that uses soothing melodies to restore health and calm emotions), and Luminous Path (The power to create beams of light that can be used to travel or guide others to safety). Weapon: Sunstrider Lyre (Deets: This weapon would be a golden lyre with strings that shine like sunrays. It can be played to control light and sound, creating various effects such as blinding flashes or soothing harmonies. The Sunstrider Lyre would also serve as a conduit for the superhero’s powers, allowing them to channel solar energy and musical vibrations into their abilities). Miraculous Object: Aureate Solar Disk (Deets: This object would be a beautifully crafted disk, resembling an ancient sun symbol, that can be worn as a pendant. It would glow with a warm light and resonate with musical tones when the powers are activated, serving as the source of the superhero’s abilities). Kwami's favorite snack: Sunlit Ambrosia Bites (Deets: These could be tiny, glowing treats that taste like a mix of sweet nectar and sun-warmed fruit, perfectly fitting for a kwami named after the God of Sun and music).