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Day 4

After suffering and flailing around in code, I took a break to go back to my comfort zone and design some characters and levels. I'm thinking three levels? (if you can interpret any of those blurry scribbles)

Then some characters, whoo ! The winter clothes are mostly volunteer made from fur trimmings from the local hair salon, except for those snowshoes I guess.

From my layout, I figure I need to make:

  • a dialogue system with menu choices
  • rest stops with colliders where the player can stop and refill their timer/warmth meter
  • new animations with new clothes that activate after dialogue ends/the right choice is made
  • an intro scene and ending scene

And after flailing some more with dialogue earlier today, I instead procrastinated to play with menus for a bit \o/ hoorah. I really need to get the warmth refill mechanic fixed up, so back to that tomorrow ! If it doesn't work out, I think it could be cut out p easily.