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(1 edit)

Day 3

I didn't make a log yesterday, so I'll recap what I did ! I tried my hand at setting up parallax bgs for a bit until I found a very very generous someone who shared their easy to use parallax scripts. In time I think I'll sit down and learn how to code properly, but for now... o(-< I also tried to start up a dialogue system for a while after going down a rabbit hole of tutorial videos, but no go. I must be messing up somewhere because it was surprisingly complex for me oTL For now, I'll put the dialogue system on the back burner but keep my failed scripts just in case I figure out where I went wrong.

(ty hardheadjed and J!)

Yep there's just a bunch of shapes lying around. The white circle is to test out item pick up to refill that timer/bar (not workin). The block is from today to test out dialogue (also not workin). Gah !