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whatever is going on the muck, the details of this matter with the tech people specifically, as who knows who is pressuring them or whatever (could be the threat of them being fully shut down if they don't comply, idk. ) what's happening is dumb, it shouldn't be happening. so long as it's private and not literally freaking stupid illegal, it should be fine, in most cases, and even if it is illegal, in most cases, it should be fine, just keep it to yourself, which is what gumroad and patreon and the like were. you wouldn't know about the site unless you've found it beforehand which you would usually do via adult means. it's not like patreon advertises random places you could go to next to donate to, with some algorithim picking ones they think are similar or something. and even if they did, they probably could've just age gated it. either way, it's dumb, and this really should not be happening, but stupider things have happened, so i'm not surprised. and the law about the internet shouldn't be constitutional due to it overreaching it's bounds, since it either breaks the privacy of people to see what is on their personal computers, or it blocks everyone registered from the state, who may not even be in the state anymore, in which case they'd be doing overreach in terms of going after something that's in another state's jurisdiction, so either way, shouldn't be allowed, but who knows who is paying the supreme court this time around, they do what they want, and the American public can't really do much about it.

some would argue that stuff with it would lead others to have fantasies about it and/or do it in real life, and it's better to not know about kinks like that at all, and it could be a slippery slope. others (like me) would say it can be an outlet for those who have those thoughts, and that if they are finding this stuff in the first place they already have these thoughts and know about these things, and it could lead to people doing it if they don't have an outlet for such things, like these things, and as such would help such matters. also it's kinda underestimating the people who watch/play these things, as people can be basically normal people for the most part and still be a part of these things. both sides are intrinsically opposed to the other in their argument, so it's unlikely an agreement can be reached, any time soon, as their perspectives on the matter are complete opposites, and even data might not be enough to convince one side of the facts of the matter.