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In advance I apologize for my rather incoherent way of trying to express my thoughts.
Great base for what will hopefully be a great game. Got me wanting to force myself to learn some blender and a game engine, despite lacking any knowledge there whatsoever lol. Most complaints I have at this stage seem to have been addressed by others, though no joke once you get closer to the end of the planned content I would be over the moon if you managed to get MP in (I know you stated it's not planned and unlikely, but still).

 Think more phallus options would be nice, as well as a way to swap up the character's appearance post creator (would be fun for some changes to be things NPC's could do to you but that might be more crazy code-wise than you are willing or able to do with).

 While I'm aware the town is still WIP I do think the store in town should have more options at any time, and any crafting should be in town, except for cooking. Different health options would be nice, especially in a pinch. As well as more NPC's with very unique animations. Speaking of sex actions, it would be nice to have some control over the intercourse, at least where it progresses with spacebar or something.

 Though one complaint I do have that isn't all that serious but I do find kind of annoying. NPC's when they get attacked by skeleton's or another NPC trying to handle said skeles, will go after the player even after the threat is gone regardless if the player touched them at all. Don't know if there is a work around for that. Also, after getting it one with some NPC's they will immediately attack you as soon as the animation ends for some reason regardless of nothing going on, nor having been attacked.