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Is the minigame enjoyable/annoying? How could it be better?

I only found the smell the plant mini game. Maybe add more or other concepts to the minigame, and descriptions why we are doing the minigame. For example why we are smelling the plants, and what that gives us in game.  When I loaded in I was confused on what to do in the game, maybe add a description of what we are supposed to do. 

How is the procedural generation? The exploration?

The procedural generation looks good, things are kind of sparse though, but may be the concept of the game.

Are there any bugs in the procedural generation or with the minigame?

The objects do not spawn attached to the ground, majority are floating partially. Also all objects can be walked through. 

When doing the smell the plant since you are required to click fast, if you don't stop the clicking right away it just constantly keeps entering the smell the plant mini game.

Sometimes clicking on the tree does not actually work unless you are almost inside of the object.

Other issues:

I noticed that if you stop moving on the side of a hill you slowly fall down it.

The Pause menu does not always work. When I entered options then esc out, no other buttons worked and had to hit esc again multiple times to get out of the menu.

Hitting "m" in options menu brings back to main menu and nothing works.

Also hitting "w" in the options just exits the game.