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So I have played your game for about 15min and my main feedback is about game speed. I think it feels very slow once the player has understood what they have to do. When the bunnies are at work and the job queue is stable, there is not much to do while waiting for the ressources to stack and be able to build the rocket. Same during the first night, after the rat is defeated you have to wait 5 seconds for the night to finish, but nothing happen, so this is a bit frustrating.
Maybe a "increase time speed" button could help with this, or some additionnal actions to do during the day (maybe that's already on your todo list).

Regarding the story, it's not really detailled in game, I had to scroll down on your page to get the full context, you should push it a bit more in-game since you have worked quite a bit on it.

For the gameplay :

  • A tutorial with a set of actions to do could help set the village up. It took me a few minutes to figure out that you have to fill a global job queue, but I was trying to individually click on the bunnies to assign them to actions, which is not possible. This workflow should be made clearer when starting the game.
  • I think we have 3 bunnies when starting, but they are not visible in the scene, I saw only 1 (didn't see the counter at the top of the UI), so I crafted 2 at first, ending with way more bunnies than needed and 4 died at first night :D That goes with my previous point, understanding what to do at the beginning should be made clearer.
  • I am not sure which way you are going for the genre, but I think it would be nice to have some additionnal buildings, or research process, in the process to build the rocket. Right now it feels a bit too "easy" to build the rocket by only gathering wook, stones and carrots.

I liked most of the visuals and the UI, only the ground feels a bit flat to me.

Keep going!


Thank you so much, this was amazing feedback !!
The night ending is spot on, and it is nice to see you confirming that this is a weak spot. In the next version, the night will end as soon as you have killed all of the enemies. 

The pacing of the game is something we need to find out how to fix. I have a few ideas on this, but my current main idea is to have rocks, wood and carrots on the different empty tiles that can be picked up in the beginning of the game, this should give you as the player something to work on to gather resources fast to begin with, while the bunny colony builds. 

I had not thought of a "speed up" button - which is super silly :) We even have a "Speed up game" hotkey in developer mode  - I will add this, thanks for that suggestion. 

I will also definately follow your advice and put some of the story a bit more into the game, and try to push it a bit more. 

For the gameplay comments: 

  • Thank you - this is a good idea. I have been thinking alot about wether we should have bunnies perform tasks, or bunnies just doing things. The feeling we wanted to give the player in the end is that you are just assisting the bunnies, and not controlling them, so we ended up with just setting up jobs, and then letting the bunnies figure it out themselves. We will add better and slower tutorials.. inspired a bit by yours in your game. 
  • Definately will make sure that the bunnies are going to be vissible and not stack on top of each other.
  • We want to add additional buildins for sure - we just really wanted to core gamplay loop to feel good and see how it will work before pushing further and adding more buildings. 

Thank you so much for your feedback this was gold. Let me know when you have the next update of your game, and I will give it another round of testing and feedback.