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I play on Mac I don’t know if that makes a difference 

I actually advanced the game to day 28 just to see if there was a bug in the game. I still don't see a problem. I think your error happened the day before you visited Hudson. Are you sure you are not playing the free version or downloading the game from somewhere else? If you bought the game from this site, you can try to open it from your phone or computer.

I did but it from here but I finished the free one then I bought the final one but I deleted the free one and got the final one and I just skipped though everything so I’m going to play it from the start that might be my problem 


Oh, I get it now, the free version doesn't have those days, so the files are probably conflicted. I think starting the game from fresh and creating a new save will solve your problem.

yeah it’s because I skipped way to much I was trying to get to where I was on the free version but now everything works thank you 

I'm glad it worked. Have fun. ✌️