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What do you like/dislike about escort missions in other games? 

I don't like escort missions in general. I think this stems from bad ai in most games that results in the thing your escorting killing itself often.

How do the controls feel? 

Controls feel great. Walking and jumping are smooth.

Does the environment fit the game theme? 

I guess it does. I don't think the environment is super important for a game like this!

What would you like to see implemented in the game?

Maybe a fleshed-out shop?

Things I like:

I like how the game looks. The environment is nice. I really like the capsules with faces, I hope they make it into the final game in some way. 

I like the simplicity. I knew what I was doing right away with no tutorial. It felt very clear.

I like the gameplay loop. The combat feels good, and I think it will get even better the more you guys work on it.

Areas for improvement:

I think the vip could be a little faster, he can drag behind often. 

I think the path finding of the vip is a little wonky, he gets lost in the forest sometimes.

I think the ai of the enemies is a little wonky, sometimes they will just sit there and stare into the forest while you beat them to death.

I can just walk to the exit and win without the vip and without fighting anyone. That doesn't seem right.

Enemy projectiles are a bit small and hard to see, at least for me.

I would love to be able to buy cosmetics and items from the shop!

Overall, I think you guys have a good base and with some small changes, you could have a strong game!