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Wow great entry! There is a high degree of graphical fidelity on this one, the animations on the enemies, the effects (water spraying, sparks, fireballs) and the environmental design are all top notch. I immediately knew I was on some sort of space craft or station and there were alot of props to fill in the spaces to make it feel lived in. The movement is a little bit slow, but luckily the environments are not too wide open so it doesn't suffer too much from the slower movement. Otherwise, it's implemented perfectly with turning and grid stepping. The combat is a little basic, but the options for different weapons was great, the funny items too are a good gag in the otherwise serious tone of the game. Leveling up and lots of items are there to customize into things, even if you don't get a ton of level ups in a single run to see through different "builds". 

Loved the stimpack reference too!

The biggest complaint is that it was too short! I wish there was more and I hope you continue developing this.


Thank you for the kind words and feedback!

I 100% agree with you! It is definitely too short and also lacks depth in a lot of the systems we worked in there. I will probably go back and clean some things up after the rating period ends for the jam, but I am not sure we will continue to work on it as a team or not. It's great to know that someone is interested in playing more though! Also, glad you liked the gag items, we wanted to have some fun with it too and that seemed like a reasonable way to do it. :)