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Cool game, I like it. I hope you add more to it. The art is really well done.
Some small things I noticed. Folder #1 will randomly bug out and you have to click on and close folder #2 and #3 to make #1 clickable again.
the 4th apartment tab for all of the folders will randomly bug out and you have to open other folders and click through them to make the folder you want unstick.
No matter how many failed checks the person has with the checklist if you tell them they aren't on the list it'll sometimes cancel all other dialog and just say that they are on the list and that I need to check again. If you initiate the button but then exit out of it you cannot go back into the checklist; even if you click other things first.
I haven't seen any type of story progression. It's just random random each time. Maybe a hardcore mode is in order? Something that is really difficult to decipher?  I wish that there was more ways to skip dialog or make the chat box transparent so I can keep clicking around while on the phone or waiting for the dialog to finish.
Maybe some perks if you've gotten X amount of S rank games? I'm still trying to run into peachy dude but so far nothing after 23 survived games. Other than that, it's great! keep up the good work.