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(1 edit) (+1)

Check what I said elsewhere in the thread. Crypto is too slow, too complicated, too slathered in middle-man fees and too reputationally ruined by the constant scams to ever be a viable option for the masses. It is genuinely easier to buy weed in many areas of the US than crypto. As much as people hate the idea, I think some kind of government backed digital currency is probably the only realistic option, as it would be stable, trustworthy, easy for the average moron to use, and while not anonymous, would at least avoid these stupid games where something is legal, but activists whine about it so it becomes difficult or impossible to actually do business in. It's worth noting that if you're paying for porn, no situation now is currently fully anonymous anyway, so it wouldn't really be a step backward there.

Can the government still reach into it and shut you down? Sure, but again, they'd have to actually go to the extent of making something illegal, rather than these constant games the credit card companies play. By virtue of being the government, the first amendment would also apply in a way it doesn't with private companies, and while the constitution is largely shredded at this point anyway, it does still hold SOME weight.