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OH MY GOD I WAS LAUGHING MY ASS OFF AT THIS. Such a hilarious short little game. The art style is so adorable and super comical at times, the dialogue is so witty and doesn't take itself seriously at all which I adore, the characters, despite not spending much time with them, I grew attached to instantly.. there was so much I liked about this! It was pretty dialogue-heavy which meant there wasn't much to do gameplay wise. The enemies were good in the first area to get adjusted to the gameplay, jumping into a short boss battle, and then it ends there. It left me wanting so much more! But for a game jam, that totally makes sense that this was all you were able to cover, but I implore you to continue the project! Overall a super polished package altogether :)
(please tell me did gay mode change anything)

Glad you liked this game! We had more planned for it but being our first game jam, we overestimated how much we could do in a short time :,) . We may do more with this concept in the future. Most importantly, the gay makes the moustache of the playable character rainbow!