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This is a very competent entry!

The presentation is great, and I especially loved the voices. I have a couple nitpicks in this category, most egregious of which I think is the map. Without showing where I was on it and a difference between tiles that were dead ends or just weren't explored further, it wasn't that useful. Other than that, i encountered an odd dithering effect across the screen that made everything a bit less visible, which was particularly harsh in the already naturally dark level two.

The menus are a bit bugged too, I had a minor panic moment when I pressed escape to exit the map and instead it brought up the game menu, which then I couldn't exit cause of the map's "take note" function. I realized pressing enter helped though.

That was not the end of the map screen bugginess though as its exit button overlaps the rest button and does not disable it, so I exited the map and went straight into a rest at least once, haha.

One last bug regarding the gameplay was the ability to attack enemies through the doors, or when they were two spaces away, which they could do nothing about. Once I realized I could do that, it kind of broke the difficulty.

But all of these are minor issues when taking the whole of it into account. Good job!