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Oh you've got a ton of fun in Germany. Even long before Steam your country is a footnote in every discussion of game censorship because of how every game has to be hacked apart to take out even the slightest reference to the Reich (even if said references are derogatory, as they usually are). For a while I think you guys had really strict violence limits too, on blood and whatnot, though maybe that fell away after the 90s.

I'll re-iterate what I said: I have, and will continue to avoid politics for the most part, because this isn't the space for it, and commentary and activism isn't a job I want or am good at. People come to games to forget the real world, not be constantly subjected to it, and I despise the way modern media does just that. Obviously any creative work of sufficient complexity is going to have "politics" in the sense that it has characters, and characters interact with each other and the world and have personalities, opinions and preferences. But I want it to be organic. It's the same reason I don't have a "fursona", I see the whole thing as simplistic and egotistical. I have CHARACTERS. They come from me, but they're not JUST me. They have a life of their own. If you went to France in the 1400s, there would be politics, and you might recognize SOME of the ideas, but it would be very, VERY different from the discourse on Twitter. I think, to the extent they have politics at all, creative works should have them to serve THEM, to serve their own setting and worldbuilding, rather than the emotional needs of the author. So you see little bits, like Haven and the tower and whatnot. But the setting of the game isn't our world. It has its own problems, its own history. I try to give it space to breathe, rather than just telling it what it is.