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Thanks for the update!

No worries, the dungeons were just a small part of it, I came across your game when reading about LLM-powered games and just wanted to check it out in general.

It's a cool project already, the basic loop with fire/heal spells and dungeon crawling with a boss and an exit is a nice starting setup for the randomized story quests. It could use some UI improvements (e.g. show the position of the player on the minimap, and maybe the boss/exit too). Also, the controls are a bit weird and inconsistent, and I noticed that it conversations it didn't always register some letters I had typed and I had to re-type them.

I wasn't expecting voice synthesis, that was hilarious and caught me totally off-guard. The NPC's seem to stick to the game world, but you can get them to say stuff that doesn't happen in-game (I got the blacksmith to "forge" me a sword, which didn't spawn as an item obviously).

I beat the game once and then it crashed :) I can send you a log if you want, but I don't think it's a bit deal when it's a short jam project anyway.

Yes I'll be working on a full fledged version of that game in Godot4, hence hopefully the points you raised will be fixed