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(1 edit)

Wow this was impressive! Right off the bat major props for making a 3D game, even attempting one sounds terrifying. I LOVED the intro, setting up the lore concisely with some great art to boot, love the art style! The overall setting & mood of the game was super effective; At first I didn't like just how dark it was lol but it really made things tense! And also, despite the robot designs being fairly simple, I was not expecting for them to be as scary as I was imagining. The sounds of them approaching from someplace far in the darkness, not knowing just how many are about to jump you? Legit got me at times, superb job at that. The gameplay probably confused me the most, I didn't know there were weapons until I tried expert mode (holy crap that shit is brutal) That's probably cause in normal mode I was just walking around the edges the whole time and managed to survive. That doesn't work in expert mode though so that's when those would be useful. In terms of any major critiques, I'd just say despite turning the sensitivity to its minimum I was still wishing for it be lower so adjusting those settings would be great. Otherwise, you've got a great package altogether, lovely work!