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I'm as disappointed as you are, but it seems ridiculous to swear and insult the game developer for 1 dollar 2 dollars, okay, I will not pay that much money, the money I will pay is more because I live in another country, but the game developer is not leaving here, the updates will be here soon, but there is no need to swear at the game developer so much, but to be honest, I am also disappointed, but I can understand the game developer, he probably needs money like us, but I was expecting steam key, this bothered me a little, but there is no need to swear so much, take care of yourself and god bless you


I appreciate your viewpoint man, it's understandable for people to be somewhat frustrated, or voice their opinions, but at the end of the day it's really not a big deal, and nothing to get into a shouting match over.

Thank you, ı will pay more becuse ı live in another country, its a little bit big deal for me but no problem :D