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Can someone explain how to do the jumps to skip the pekora and towa fights, are they just frame perfect jumps?

And for towa I got to the top of the fight room but I'm just stuck

You'll get better help on the discord (linked on both the page and on sulpx's twitter), but:

- Pekora skip is done with a buffered jump (holding jump as you land to get a higher jump) to get up to the ledge, and then a damage boost (jumping on the same frame you take damage, usually done by using swords, switching characters, which makes the swords hit you) to get the height to end up in the loading zone for the next stage above.

- The room for the end cutscene is directly below the Towa bossfight, so when you're above the room, jump off to left (to get over an invisible wall) and then hold right to end up in the room with the cutscene

If you're interested in that sort of stuff, would highly recommend the discord 'cause that's where all the speedrunning stuff is