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(1 edit)

Patch 1 - 4/2/2024

- Added Mesh to Trees and Rocks

- Added more Jump Scares

- Added Candles for Lighting

- Added Batteries for Flashlight

- Added SFX for Deer and Wolves

- Decreased ambient sound volume by 30%

- Added Progression Collection system so that End User cannot progress to the end of the game without collecting all the pages in order.

- Added Menu SFX and Music.

- Fixed Map Lighting to Darken the Map.

Thanks for checking out Let's Play A Game. This update was a hot fix for launch due to a tester informing me of missing meshes and and clunky jump scares. I tried to improve the fluidity of the game and make it a little more like being lost in a forest rather than lagging through a hiking trail ! Enjoy and leave a comment with any changes you think may benefit Let's Play A Game !