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(2 edits) (+1)

Why is the fruit attacking me!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿฅ‘๐ŸŽ

Haha, fun cute game! Moving around feels nice and I really like the mini map.

Do you plan on developing it further?  Besides the negative ammo as some people mentioned, sometimes the shooting behavior can act funny ( if I shoot at a weird angle, the bullets bounce off of my character). I don't know if this was an intended mechanic, but the game might feel better if bullets can pass through me!

Some other power-ups might be fun too.  Maybe the map can be a power-up you discover instead of starting with it. And because it's a bullet game, you could have so much fun developing different gun types and bullet behaviors (like maybe the bullets bouncing off the walls is an upgrade we have to earn!)

And I liked the pineapple boss (his health sometimes displays decimals, but that's not a big deal LOL)!

Overall, great job!! Excited to see how this develops. :)

Thank you very much for your feedback! I have already started a very large update, I added 10 new enemies, 2 bosses and 2 new locations to it. I will fix the bugs soon, I really liked the idea and I continue to do this project.