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hi i played the game and i saw some bugs, gonna tell them to help the game!!1!1!11!1

- When bob kills the player he's still there for a couple seconds, kinda annoying- and if you press R for restart well, Bob kills you again,and again, and again.. until he leaves the place.
- Bob when he stands still the model is still walking, lol (that's funny actually)
- when you use the resume button well you have to start all over, even the main scene when you order the classic burger, kinda annoying
-sometimes you can´t grab the key or the hammer or even open the door

BUT even with that errors, the experience was decent and also pretty funny tho, i hope the best for this game!1!1!! i really liked the 3D model. mwa mwa to all the team!1!1!!1!

TYSM!! The game mechanics were all a one-man effort because none of my pals have experience with C#. But I appreciate you pointing out the bugs. It helps a lot!