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A significant part of what makes the game so fun is the personality and sense of humour of the creators shining through in all the little notes and easter eggs. Looking around for all of them with the xray scanner was a great time and added extra replayability to the game. Whilst makeing the fundamental changes to the game and replacing things like the Task List and backgrounds are important, it would be amazing if the same kind of jokes could be included, or new different ones of a similar nature. I feel they often helped players feel close to the creators and gives us a brief insight into your thoughts on the scenes we are currently experiencing along with a quick laugh.

things like the 4th wall breaks too and just all the tiny little details. Sorry it's hard to summarize, but just the personality of the game made it amazing. On top of the amazing art and fun varied personalities of the love intrests and supporting cast


Thankfully, none of those little jokes would be lost, since we plan to transfer the entirety of our game's content over to the new engine. But we will definitely make sure to add more of them by utilizing new features, like Messenger app, where characters would occasionally send you texts and photos!

More exploration rewards (including new X-Rays) will be added as well, since we REALLY want to incentivize our players to look around those glorious new backgrounds more!

Awesome :D