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Thanks for playing, I hope you find the final ending!

On the one hand, if I go by personal taste I find it interesting when a game goes to great lengths to hide it's secrets. I love when people find something hidden in like a 20+ year old game or something. just the idea of a game as a cryptic mystery that keeps unfolding is really interesting to me
On the other hand I can understand how it can be frustrating if the game doesn't let you "100%" it without doing something obscure. perhaps I should have said there were only 3 endings and had this be like a secret hidden ending... but then that wouldn't prompt people to go looking for it? who knows - it's one of those things to which there is no right answer. 

Either way I understand what you are saying and will consider it going forwards :)


I wanted to respond and elaborate about the secretness of the secret so I replayed the game and actually found the fourth ending so now I can actually state valid thoughts!
Yeah I mean, you are definitly right with your intentions and I can agree with it but also I'll describe this ending as such "A clueless enigma", since it's clueless there is no lead, so if you look for a lead in the first place you are already lost and that's what I did in my first play through ahah, the only (Clearly stated) clue I had was "There is another one!" to be fair there is another clue but you really have to be desperate and be trying anything, so I mean, that's it, I still enjoyed the ending just like how I enjoyed the whole game ahha and make of this comment what you want! No right answers just my description of it!