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Very nice. I like how each character is unique both in dialogue and body language, and how they don't lose those quirks as the story goes on. 

Very quotable at times too. "I Have A Letter" or the drinking tea alone bit, lol

I would like to see more wide angle shots in the big finale (the Hana scene). The rest of the game uses closeups to great effect, but with so few panoramic shots it can be difficult to get a feel for where everyone is. Anyhow, I'm interested to see how future scenes'll pan out.

また、倉庫の箱はなんか面白いなと思っていました。すげー大量の生そばとキャベツと…消毒用エタノール?! 主人公がちょっと潔癖症っぽいかもしれませんね! :)

好きよ 👍