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I played the whole thing!
Really enjoyed most of it, but the beginning was really tedius, not everything is really explained or maybe I just didn't see the explanations, at first I just leveled up and then went in the maze, the levers felt a bit confusing, really liked the battle system and I tried all the combinations in the first encounters cause I didn't actually know what could I do, so far I figured only slash and stab cause the "trying out part" was just at the beginning, it would have been nice having a manual to explain the moves, and also the spells, the first time I encountered a lost soul I was stuck in "Resisting" and I didn't know I need to use the RIP move, also it bugs when you die, the game revives you at the spawn but you are still in combat, after the first death and also having learnt that the RIP move kills the souls I just speedran the game spamming slash or stab after maxing spirit and never used anything else, loved that part ahah, after a while when only one soul I felt the tediusness of the exploring, the map helps you but you really have to wonder a lot and since the tombstones felt really randomly placed in such a vast area but after 10-15 mins of wandering I found the last tombstone!

Overall good but the deathbug plus the exploring and the first minutes of playing really held it back.

Presentation was very good! Loved the graphics, sound was good but really lacked music and ambience!