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(1 edit)

This is the console output I get when running Plus from the terminal, just to get some logs.
Not sure if this means something is missing for v 1.4.5, but the program seems to work normally otherwise.

./PNGTUBER\ PLUS\ 1.4.5\ LINUX.x86_64  
ERROR: No GDExtension library found for current OS and architecture (linux.x86_64) in configuration file: res://addons/godot-git-plugin/git_plugin.gde
xtension   at: load (core/extension/gdextension.cpp:629) 
ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://addons/godot-git-plugin/git_plugin.gdextension. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in
 the editor at least once.   at: _load (core/io/resource_loader.cpp:273) 
ERROR: Error loading extension: res://addons/godot-git-plugin/git_plugin.gdextension   at: load_extensions (core/extension/gdextension_manager.cpp:143) 
Godot Engine v4.1.2.stable.official.399c9dc39 - <a href=""></a> 
Inconsistent value (1) for DRI_PRIME. Should be < 1 (GPU devices count). Using: 0 
OpenGL API 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.0.3-arch1.2 - Compatibility - Using Device: AMD - AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT (radeonsi, navi21, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.57
, 6.8.2-AMD-znver3)  
ERROR: Convex decomposing failed!   at: decompose_polygon_in_convex (core/math/geometry_2d.cpp:53)

Thanks so much for the info! I’ll check and see what mines saying.  (I’m not the best with tech but this has completely baffled me. I just wish I knew what I did to cause this so I can avoid it in future lol)