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I think that text-based games/experiences can be really cool and overall I think you did a good job with this one. However, I think the game could have been made a lot better if the player's answers actually affected the game in some way. I also think that music and sfx could add a lot to the experience. I know there is a link to some music on day 30 but I think it would be much better if there was music built into the experience itself. Overall I think you did a good job, some of the thoughts/ideas you had to share were pretty insightful, and I had a good time with it.  

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for your comment. I see what you mean with the points of feedback you gave. Making it more like a game could perhaps make it more fun and enjoyable. That said, that was sort of intentional, I was making more of an anti-game and the game or interactive project I wanted to make. Maybe in the future I could make my games or interactive projects more like a traditional game, and maybe this one could be changed up in the future as well (maybe even a future remaster(s) or different version(s)), but no definite promises.