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Will the Steam keys or the game be available outside of steam, maybe here?

Steam adult content is banned in some countries in a way.

The only way to bypass this is to buy a key from a third party site.

Also no Shopsites for adult games are visible anymore, and you get only access to the steamcommunity when owning the game, so you cant even wishlist.

Or is it possible to get a full version over patreon later?

Would love to buy the full game.


it will be on there patreon till the full steam release, read the notes not just the tittle it helps

(1 edit) (+2)

I know that but the text says, subsequent versions ... up until the final steam release.

That doesnt automatically mean that the last patreon version will be a full version, and that is why i am asking.

And i know that it pisses people off, when it is being asked how to get keys in countries where you cant get it directly.


So, the current plan is that all development versions going forward will only be available on patreon. The final version will be on Steam with keys given to those who have donated a certain amount (TBD). However I have been told that there are folks who are unable to use Steam whatsoever, so I will be looking into selling it here on as well.

Hope that helps!


Thank you, thats rlly good to hear.