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(1 edit) (+1)

Mhm.. I played the full version of the original game, and the pre-version, I came across 2-3 secrets, 1 is where you hold the FredBear Plush ((You get the FredBear Plush from Old Mrs. Consequences)) with the Security Doll/Puppet and Lefty are in the same room/scene, if you click on the doll with them in the room there's a massage saying; "These 2 are doomed..~" or "There's something wrong with her...", 2 is where you're with Ms. Afton, I can't remember what it is exactly but it has something to do with her wanting you, (a.k.a us, the main character) for herself only.. I don't know what that 3rd, but if I were to bet it'll have something to do with Friendly FredBear..

I got ideas for the secrets in the game myself.. but I'm no programmer unfortunately

I'm not programmer too. Welcome to the club 

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Well crap. Thats only complicated the matter... So you didn't run onto ShadowBonnie scene or GoldenFreddy scene?

Well I think I did.. but I can't really say, but I do remember the Shadow Freddy scenes to let the player know the danger or helpful advice during the nights.. also she has a crush on the main character too.. (Since the Main Character is a guy))

Yeah. I remember that too. I'm more courious about what I have found in files

Well feel free to share them with me man

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Yo. Do you maybe remember that scene who starts like that?

Never seen that scene before.. still wondering if we'll still get week 2

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Then it must be a scrap content.  I wouldn't have any hope for that. You can read the author's explanations that I included in the description (link)