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Hey there!

I did not played it yet, but I printed it and had a thought while reading the rules that I want to leave, in case I forget later:

I really like these type of games that are somewhat flexible, but have a good amount of strictness to it - I find journaling games a bit too open ended. So this game looks great to me!

I immediately got reminded of this game: Wasted Hours by rommelkot ( which is my absolute favorite. What I like about it is that I get 2 sheets of paper to fill out and a session is done when the sheets are filled out. and after the session I have 2 sheets of paper for my collection of past sessions.

So, what I thought about reading the rules is that it would probably fit great on 2 to 3 sheets of paper that are designed like this:

  • The report
    • content: the country, The rumour phase, The investigation phase
    • basically a sheet that with a layout of a report
    • this could be separated on 2 sheets, or done on one (1/2 of the page for each part)
    • part one
      • basically the rumour phase as some sort of witness statement. with a date, country, name of the person that reported it or the agent that documents rumours
    • part two
      • The investigation phase as a report of the investigation, maybe including the date and name again, to add some depth.
  • anomaly file
    • content: Containment/File writing phase
    • I imagine something like a fact sheet they create after seeing, capturing an anomaly. The Layout could be simply like a standard fact sheet. box for a picture/drawing top left, a line for the headline in the middle and then some boxes for text for general information; like "What it does" -> as "Known Behaviour", "How you found it" -> "Entities known by AICB:"

as I said, just a thought because I like the idea of having basically worksheets to fill out instead of a blank sheet of paper

I'm looking forward to play it!