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(1 edit)

TBH I designed it to be raging and having a steep learning curve somthing similar to getting over it or other rage games which are very hard at start but becomes very easy after some time so I thought It doesnt make sense to teach the player in a rage game


Actually, getting over it teaches the player as well as other games of the genre, but they do that in a different way, you have levels, but on those game there a big map and some sections of the map have the purpose of presenting new challenges, for example on getting over it, first you are in a platform with any obstacle where you just have to move to the right, (so you can learn the basics), then you find a tree that requires you to claim, but you can use impulses to fly over without maintaining the character on a correcto position all the time, then there are bigger obstacles until  you'll start to claim seriously in a steep direction (the real game), the learning curve is high form the beginning but it exist, even if difficulty is the main feature the first area function as a tutorial.

making a random search I found this video which explain better than I how getting over it actually has game design that teaches the player: