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I'm Just gonna say it, ya'll are making me feel real basic for just romancing X.

To the Author, I just gotta say that this game changed the trajectory of my life a little bit, in a good way. I had no idea what Interactive Fiction was beforehand, and for a good three months I was obsessed purely from the high I got off of this one. I got busy with shit after that, but I always planned to come back and I think I will soon, because its that good. You do great work, and I don't wanna pressure you to work on it, but what I will say is that this is magnificent. Something to be proud of. Few creative endeavors are, so just know you've got something special here.

Thank you, that's very kind of you to say!! 💖💖 And no need to feel basic for just romancing one love interest, we all have a favorite flavor of ice cream haha.

Though I would encourage trying out the other routes between updates even if you're not particularly interested in the romance! They each offer new background/worldbuilding to the setting and even new insights into the other LIs ✨

X romancers especially should try out A's route for reasons I will not spoil (and vice versa) 👀