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(1 edit)

Thank you for the hard work on all the updates! Would be nice if it was possible to rotate the camera or character in the various character editors. Also, having to go back to the placed outfits to wear them again is kinda annoying.

Thank you!

good idea about the rotation of the characters in the edition

with respect to the clothes with the C key you can put back the clothes that you had

C just takes off/puts on current outfit. I mean that the "bonus" outfits that are placed all around the map don't get added to the outfit station next to the entrance to the club. So you have to go all the way back to where the individual outfits are placed to wear them after you use another outfit.

Aaa, for that there is still a little bit to go, I'm going to make a new building to be able to modify the clothes in parts and unlock the costumes there