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(2 edits)

I didn't check everything but it turns out that all NPCs and even Eira and Seraphine are missing names.

For the softlock, try flying behind the library towards the invisible wall, then fly a little to the right until Eira looks like she's flying towards the hill or map's edge, and when it looks like she's actually getting close to either one, fly back towards the secret cave while staying close to the right side hill. Turns out it wasn't from flying too low, it's just flying to the right. My bad on that one.

(Also you worry me on the "which dragon statue" maybe I didn't find everything. It's the dream one that looks pixelated from afar and up close)
EDIT: crud this was meant to be a direct reply but I misclicked. Sorry!


No worries! I am having a tough time replicating the missing NPC icons, so I'll have to keep looking into it. 

Thanks! I'll do my best to fix this, I'm sure it's a collision issue/the boundry isn't correctly aligned. Thanks for catching it!

Gotcha! There actually is another one but it's pretty hard to see and you can't get close to it. It's in an area where you probably wouldn't move the camera in a way where you can see it and it's not in the village. I don't know if you want any more hints or if you'd like to find it on your own, but so far no one has found it! (that I know of)